
What is Dental Malpractice?

Dental malpractice includes a wide variety of situations that result in injury to dental patients. Unfortunately, dentists sometimes perform dental treatment that is beyond their training and ability, which can result in serious consequences to their patients. It is important to know if the dentist you select has the appropriate training and experience for your particular dental need.

The most common type of dental malpractice cases are cases where inexperienced Arizona general dentists are performing complex, and often expensive, dental procedures that are typically performed by dental specialists.

It is important to understand that under Arizona law general dentists are permitted to perform virtually any dental procedures including complex dental care that dental specialists routinely perform based on their advanced training.

Patients should understand that most Arizona dentists are general dentists and those general dentists may not have the training, experience, and skills set to perform advanced or specialized dental procedures that are routinely performed by trained dental specialists.

Dental malpractice cases are complex and require an experienced dental malpractice lawyer who understands how to properly evaluate a dental malpractice case. If you have questions about the dental care you received from any Arizona dentist please call the dental attorneys at Arizona Dental Law Group for a no cost or obligation review of your dental case.

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